We are doing well and loving the new normal in the house. We are getting into the new routine. We already started our post placement reports, sent the info. our agency needed, had an assessment at Joe DiMaggio (I will talk more about it in a future post)and it went amazing. We are very pleased with their services. We also scheduled Alexis' palate surgery. It will take place in a couple of days and we will let you all know how it went.
Alexis Nicole is a sweet loving silly little girl. She is busy, busy all the time. She is very strong but a princess. She LOVES shoes and accesories.
Because we knew our wait was going to be long and we didn't know our daughter's age before referral, we did not buy anything. I know it is hard to believe but by the time of referral we just had a blanket and a swimsuit for her. We painted the room 6 months before referral and got the crib 4 days before leaving to China. My mom sent me a dozen outfits and half didn't fit her. Now we are enjoying taking her to get clothing and toys. We don't want to overwhelm her with toys so if a toy comes in to the house then a toy has to come out.
She LOVES her brother and gets so exited when her dad comes home. It is a beautiful sight to watch. She is very comfortable at the house and things are getting better with our Maltese little dog. Now they are best friends and the dog realizes that Alexis Nicole is the best chance she has to get some snacks. As soon as Alexis goes to the high chair, the dog goes for some droppings. She is still eating like there is no end and sleeping her 12 hrs straight and we love it.
Every time we go out we forget the camera so all the pictures are in the house. We may go to Orlando for a weekend before school starts and we will take lots and lots of pictures, I'm sure. Here are some pictures.